April 21, 2011

Dr. Walker Restores Confidence and Improves Smiles with Dental Implants

Are missing teeth ruining your self-esteem or keeping the doors to professional and personal advancement closed? Dr. Walker and the team at our Salt Lake City office have a solution that can boost your confidence and restore your smile.

How can we do this? With dental implants!

Whether you need to replace a single tooth, or several missing teeth, dental implants can give you the support other treatments simply can’t. And because implants make eating and brushing as easy as they used to be, that means a more normal, healthy life for you!

A Permanent, Natural-Looking Solution

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional bridgework or dentures, dental implants may be just what you need.

Implants derive their strength from small titanium posts Dr. Walker places in your jawbone. The posts act as “roots” and as your body’s natural healing takes over your jawbone bonds to these posts, creating a strong foundation.  Because your bone tissues remains stimulated throughout the years, dental implants prevent   jawbone atrophy, the loss of additional teeth, and help you maintain a more youthful appearance.

Educating Patients and Restoring Smiles

If you live in Salt Lake City, West Valley City, North Salt Lake, Sand, or surrounding areas, contact our office today to schedule your consultation visit with Dr. Walker. Using ImplantVision, we can visually guide you through every step of the implant process and answer your questions before we begin treatment.   In just a few visits, we can have you smiling with confidence again.

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