August 10, 2022

How to Know if Cosmetic Dentistry is for You

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:08 am
A patient considering tooth enamel color as part of cosmetic dentistry

Let’s say you’ve noticed some problems with your teeth and gums. Maybe they look a little worse for wear or look damaged and sensitive. Whatever the issue, you’re now wondering if you could benefit from cosmetic dentistry. Would a treatment from that field be what your smile needs? Thankfully, your Salt Lake City dentist can help you settle the matter. Read on to learn the steps you should consider before moving forward with cosmetic dental work.


July 11, 2022

What Should You Do After Getting a Dental Crown?

Filed under: Uncategorized — charleswalker @ 1:36 pm
woman thinking about a dental crown in Salt Lake City

One of the best ways to restore a damaged or decayed tooth is with a dental crown. Not only will it feel like the rest of your natural pearly whites, but it’ll also improve the strength and color of the affected one. However, you might be wondering what you’ll need to do once your appointment is over. Read on to learn what you should expect once your dental crown has been placed and a few ways to maintain them in the long run!


June 14, 2022

How Can You Tell If You Need a Dental Filling?

Filed under: Uncategorized — charleswalker @ 3:02 pm
example of dental fillings in Salt Lake City

One of the most common dental issues people encounter is tooth decay. Without proper treatment, this condition can lead to sensitivity, discomfort, and more serious issues like cavities or infections.  An effective restorative method to rebuild and protect your smile is a tooth filling. But how can you tell if you need this treatment? Read on to learn what dental fillings are and the typical signs that you might need one!


May 2, 2022

This is When You Should Start Teeth Whitening For An Event

Filed under: Uncategorized — charleswalker @ 8:47 pm
People smiling at a wedding.

There are certain events that you’ll want to remember for a lifetime. Don’t let insecurities about yellow or dull teeth stop you from embracing all your special day has to offer. After all, there will definitely be lots of photo opportunities, right? Whether you’re planning on brightening your smile for a wedding, reunion, or party, here’s how close to an event you should whiten your teeth.


April 2, 2022

What Should I Do If I Lose a Dental Crown?

Filed under: Uncategorized — charleswalker @ 9:42 pm

It’s home movie night, and you’re sitting on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn in your lap. As you’re eating, you hear a pop and feel something dislodge within your mouth. Panic starts to set in, and you spit out what looks like a tooth. It’s small, jagged, and a shade of off-white—it’s not a popcorn kernel, but one of your dental crowns! You set down the bowl of popcorn and go to store the crown in your bathroom cabinet for later; your dentist will know exactly what to do with it.


March 29, 2022

Your Dental Implant is Failing, but Help is Available

Filed under: Uncategorized — charleswalker @ 5:20 pm
Dental implant drawing.

If you’ve received dental implants, then you must know all about how great they are—these little titanium posts nicely replicate the roots of our teeth and can be used to help recreate every part of a lost or compromised tooth. They’ve become widely accepted and sought-after in the world of restorative dentistry because of their impressive results. However, in rare cases dental implants can actually fail and put your oral health in jeopardy! If your dentist wants to remove a failed implant from your mouth, here’s what you need to know.


March 17, 2022

4 Important Benefits of Tooth Extractions

Filed under: Uncategorized — charleswalker @ 12:19 am
person at dentist’s office smiling after tooth extraction

Brushing twice per day and flossing every night, visiting your dentist every six months, and eating a tooth-healthy diet are usually enough to keep your smile looking its best. Even so, things like extensive dental damage or poor oral hygiene may result in the need for a tooth extraction. Your dentist will always do everything they can to preserve your smile before pulling a tooth, but there are several potential perks to having it removed. Read on to learn about four benefits of having a tooth extracted.


February 24, 2022

Can I Drink Coffee with ClearCorrect?

Filed under: Uncategorized — charleswalker @ 2:30 pm
woman with ClearCorrect drinking coffee

Your day just can’t start without sipping a cup of joe. As the saying goes, you’re not “you” until you’ve had your coffee! If you’re starting treatment with ClearCorrect clear braces soon, you might be wondering how it will affect your coffee habit. After all, you’re excited about finally achieving straight teeth, but not at the cost of your morning pick-me-up. As it turns out, you can still drink coffee with ClearCorrect, but not while you’re wearing your aligners. Keep reading to learn why, as well as some tips for enjoying coffee while you straighten your smile!


January 4, 2022

What Diet Trends Can Be Harmful to My Oral Health?

Filed under: Uncategorized — charleswalker @ 12:51 am
 juice cleanse

Have you set health goals and tried to figure out how you are going to achieve them? Diet trends are the method of choice for many people. When executed properly, they can be helpful, but they also pose a risk to your oral health.

If you are just trying to lose weight or want to be healthier in general, fad diets may not be the best course of action. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Salt Lake City about some diet trends you should be especially careful of attempting regarding the health of your teeth and gums.


December 19, 2021

3 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Smile

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — charleswalker @ 2:19 am

New Year’s resolutions list in plannerBelieve it or not, 2022 is right around the corner. As you think about the year ahead, you’re probably setting a few goals. You might plan to save more money or eat out less, but make sure your dental health is on your New Year’s resolutions list. With your oral and general health entwined, it’s never too late to invest in a healthy smile. Here are 3 simple ways to keep your teeth and gums a priority as you leave 2021 behind.


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